Quality Assurance
All aggregate sampling is carried out by IANZ Approved samplers who have been trained and certified by an IANZ Registered Laboratory.
Production Testing
Brookby Quarry and Smythes Quarry have an in house laboratory for the day to day production testing of all aggregate products. Tests are carried out by trained personnel to standard test methods using appropriately calibrated test equipment.
Compliance Testing
Compliance Testing is regularly carried out by independent IANZ Registered Laboratories on certain products to ensure compliance with Transit NZ or other regional specifications, Ready Mix Concrete standards and individual customer requirements. Testing of quarry products for specific projects can be arranged by negotiation with a Kaipara Sales/Technical Manager.
Source Property Testing
Source property tests are carried out by independent IANZ Registered laboratories at frequencies as recommended by Transit NZ/Ready Mix Concrete standards for the appropriate products.
Materials designated for specific projects/customers are produced and tested in 1,000 mᶟ lots or as per our customer requirements. The material is not released for loadout until test results have met the specified test requirements.
Stockpiles which do not pass any of the specified test requirements are quarantined pending a decision by Kaipara management to retest, adjust or reject.
Test Results
Test results for specific quarry products or supply contracts are available upon request to the Sales/Technical Manager.
kaipara quarries production & quality control process