Aggregate Products
Sealing Chip
Brookby meets the current specifications for sealing chip to TNZ M/6 standard.
Aggregate for sealing chip are manufactured to meet specified properties for strength, size, shape, weathering resistance and polished stone value. Aggregate is crushed, screened and washed to meet TNZ M/6 specification for Grades 2-6 sealing chip.
Concrete Aggregate
Brookby Quarry concrete aggregate has a proven performance record in concrete manufacturing over many years. The products are used daily by several ready mix concrete producers and precast concrete manufacturers in the Auckland Region.
The materials fully comply with the requirements of NZS3121: Water and aggregate for concrete.
The aggregates are suitable for use in special high performance concrete and compressive strengths of 100MPA have been achieved.
Manufactured Sand.
Roading Aggregate
A full range of products are available from low grade, subgrade, improvement//fill material to local authority and high quality transit New Zealand specified subbase/basecourse materials. Other products can be manufactured to meet certain specifications upon request.
Basecourse A range of Basecourses are available from Transit New Zealand TNZ40/local authority specifications to non-specification construction materials. Brookby has a proven performance record in roading including several major State Highway projects.
Sub-Basecourses/Fill We have a large range of lower grade non specified base courses available for subgrade improvement and general fill. Unscreened granular fill material are also available.
Asphalt Aggregate
Brookby Quarry have a range of aggregate and pap, when blended with a bituminous binder make high quality Asphaltic Concrete to TNZ M/10 specification.